Famous Foods Menu

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Visit below restaurant in Lake Charles for healthy meals suggestion.

Visit below restaurant in Lake Charles for healthy meals suggestion.

  • Nicole S.

    Famous is one of those places you go for just one thing or another IMO. I don't favor the BBQ, most do. But we are cohesive about the cracklins...they are awesome!! Not hard and dry, but just right. If you want a real treat, order the Soft N' Spicy. You'd just about died and home to pig heaven, especially if you like spicy, spicy foods. Another plus is that they are always fresh, as is most of the food there.

  • Chris L.

    Seriously great cracklins, but the star of the show was the smoked turkey wings. Sweet baby Jesus, they were amazing. Smokey. Fatty. Tender. Layers upon layers of flavor. I would punch a kitten in the face to get those turkey wings back home in Dallas.

  • HC S.

    please, Please, PLEASE bring back the SNOCONES!

  • Lynette J.

    This place has the best smoked boudin I have ever tasted. Very flavorful. I tried the regular and smoked cracklins. The regular ones were very good, but I found the smoked to be a little on the dry side. When I head that way next week, I will be trying the soft & spicy cracklins and the turkey wings.

  • Wayne B.

    I picked up a 1/2 pound of smoked cracklin's, a 1/4 pound of spicy, and a couple of links of boudin while driving to Baton Rouge. The smoked cracklin's are, hands down, the best cracklin's I've ever had in my life. To give you some idea of how good they are, I ate the entire bag in an hour. The next evening, I noticed the paper bag on the counter, and ate the crumbs, and the crumbs were just as good. If you are anywhere near here and like cracklin's, you have to go and try these. It is worth a trip though. The spicy cracklin's were too spicy for me, and too salty, but the first 6 or so were good. Probably would have been better with beer. I ate about 12, and could not handle any more. Really cleared out my sinuses though... Another indicator of how good they are is that I bought 5 Lbs to bring home with me to California. Keep them in the freezer and reheat them in the oven at 300F for 5-6 minutes and they are almost as good as new. The boudin was good. A good mix of spice, rice, meat, onions, and flavor. If you want the best boudin though, head to Market Basket on Nelson and get the smoked boudin there. It blows everthing else out of the water...

  • Raine B.

    My meal brought me LIFE, it was soooo good. I had the hot sausage lunch with rice dressing, potato salad and baked beans. It was surprisingly good and my sausage had just the right amount of heat. Then we got greedy and purchased a huge gingerbread cake with the pink icing and a humonguous popcorn ball of course made with steens syrup.

  • Chan C.

    Was really looking forward to trying the smoked cracklins, but after waiting for 20 minutes they burned the first batch, and it would be awhile before the second batch were done. So we got the regular and spicy. They all seemed a little overcooked, but still good, and pricey. I expected more from this place.

  • Kailyn S.

    $3.50 turkey wings. Enough said. They are spicy, and juicy, and great! The pulled pork is great! The the ribs are amazing!

  • Casey C.

    Visited here recently, I had the brisket plate lunch and some cracklings. While waiting on my plate lunch to be prepared, I snacked on a few cracklings, which were some of the best I've had around. Good ratio of skin to meat. Not "break-your-teeth" crunchy like some places I've gone to. I ordered the regular, but I hear that the spicy variety is more of the "Soft 'N Spicy" and I regret not ordering those. Upon receiving my brisket lunch I was disappointed. The potato salad was about as basic and bland as possible. The baked beans were drab, with lots of liquid. The brisket was really fatty and tasteless, with just a hint of a smoke ring. The dirty rice added a little bit of savory flair to the meal but was common by most BBQ places' standards. The BBQ sauce covering my brisket was one of the better items in the Styrofoam box. A tomato based sauce with a hint of sweet and spicy added in. Reminds me of the sauce from Wagon Wheel. It still didn't hide the mediocrity of the meal though. The ladies behind the counter were nice and helpful. I had high hopes for "Famous Foods" but I was unimpressed by far. For your own assessment, they are open till 6 pm and the drive-through is open till 7. Looking forward to seeing more reviews here to see if they were just having an off day.


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Opening Hours

  • Mon :8:00 am - 7:00pm


  • Takes Reservations : No
    Delivery : No
    Take-out : Yes
    Accepts Credit Cards : Yes
    Good For : Lunch
    Bike Parking : No
    Good for Kids : Yes
    Good for Groups : Yes
    Attire : Casual
    Ambience : Divey
    Noise Level : Average
    Outdoor Seating : Yes
    Wi-Fi : No
    Has TV : Yes
    Waiter Service : No

Famous Foods

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